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Traceability in the Fishing Industry

Traceway the best Technical Innovation in 2005

Nesco Weighing Ltd. win Technical Innovation Seafood Award

At the Seafood Awards Ceremony organised by Seafish and held at the Royal Lancaster Hotel, London, on the
9th March, Nesco Weighing Ltd. won the 2005 award for Technical Innovation.

This was in recognition of the work done on the TraceFish project, which culminated in the delivery of a significant
installation to Newlyn, Cornwall. Joint Venture company Rontec Ltd was a major contributor to the development of
the Traceway system and was also responsible for providing the software and some of the hardware.

Over the last four years Nesco and Rontec have placed themselves in a position to produce an innovative and
totally integrated traceability system called the Traceway, providing a solution for EU legislation on traceability of
fish. Unique in the market place the research and development carried out on this project has been greatly assisted
by theiron-going relationship with the fishing and fish processing industry in general.Traceway can provide
traceability from net to plate and can easily interface with other systems.

TraceFish Exhibition 2004

The Seafood Awards 2005 for Technical Innovation brochure.

You can read more about the TraceFish concept and the TraceWay system elsewhere on this website,
or at